Privacy Policy — Loyalty Tag App

The Loyalty Tag App collects some personal data as part of its operation. This data is essential to its operation and you agree to its collection when you first log into the app. This data includes:

  • Registered email address.
  • Unique device and user identification tokens

No additional personal data from a device (i.e. contacts, phone number etc) are accessed or stored as part of the apps normal operation.Edit

Data Storage

Data collected by the app is stored as follows:

When you register with the Loyalty Tag app, your resisted email address is stored for user access to the database. The app uses services provided by Google through the Firebase database service.

Tag id data is stored alongside plan points and/or currency value and a recovery word or phrase. The recovery word or phrase can be used by a user to recover points from a lost tag. The word/recovery phrase is not encrypted on our database and no sensitive personal information should be used. When a tag is registed with a user a tick box on the app must be ticked to indicate the user is aware of this. Ticking the box that the user is aware is taken as consent to store the recovery work/phrase with the tag data. No personally identifiable data apart from the recovery word/phrase is stored.Edit

Personal Data Deletion

You have the right to delete have your personal data deleted from the Loyalty Tag app and databases at any time. Accounts can be deleted from within the app (menu – Delete Account) at any time. Accounts can also be deleted by sending an email to info [@] from the address registered to the account you wish to delete. Set the subject line to ‘DELETE DATA’ and we will delete your data typically within 1-2 weeks of receiving your request.

Click here to send delete account email